(702) 565-4984 | 416 Perlite St. Henderson, NV 89015

Emergency Assistance Program


Emergency assistance Director – John S Bagwell

Office Manager – Karen Lund

Giving Life Ministries (GLM) is an independent non-denominational Christian Church located in Henderson, Nevada.  We have been in Henderson since 1977.

In 1989, some of the people who attended this church were having financial difficulty, so in order to help, we began a ‘food pantry’, now called the “Emergency Assistance Program”, and stocked some non-perishable food items for their needs.  


Little did we know that this would develop into a full-scale, community-oriented food pantry that has now expanded to all of the City of Henderson, Boulder City, and parts of East Las Vegas. Our main thrust is to be an emergency food assistance program for low-income families. In addition to the food we also offer (as funds are available) to purchase items such as; P-38 can openers, photo ID’s, Health Cards, TAM cards, and other miscellaneous items as we can. 


We do not discriminate

Services are given to senior citizens, the homeless, those at risk of being homeless, minorities and handicapped, and those with various emergencies.  GLM believes in a strong commitment of support to this community and all peoples, regardless of their background.

 GLM is a member and supporter of the following;

Nevada Job Connect, Clark County Social Services, Dignity Hospitals, Nevada State Welfare Division, Henderson Police and Fire Departments, the S.A.F.E. house of Henderson, Hopelink, Helping Hands, Sh Therese Center, City of Henderson Neighborhood Services, Henderson Salvation Army, Nevada 211, and other Hopelink Network agencies.  Some referrals and support come from local churches, charities, and other non-profit organizations. 


Our hours of operation are as follows

Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30 am until 11:30 am.  When clients arrive they complete an application and have a brief interview with one of our staff.  This application includes information about their family, employment, residential status, etc.  This helps us to determine their immediate need, what we can offer, and/or a referral to other agencies.  On a normal day, there is an approximate wait time of 45 minutes from start to finish.  Families will receive food in relation to family size and enough food for one week.   We offer perishable and nonperishable food products, plus an assortment of bread, pastries, vegetables, and feminine products.  We have blankets for the homeless and bottled water.  


Since 2013 the Emergency Assistance Program (EAP) has helped an average of 2500 families and between 8,000 and 11,500 individuals a year.  Approximately 6% of families served are Homeless, 17% of all families served are Seniors, 33% have females as heads of household, and 8% are Disabled.  


The numbers of families include some repeat visits and the number of individuals depends on the number of people in each household.  We can tell you, that the number of “First time” visitors to this program (since its computerization in 1996) is now over 15,552 families.  


These are just numbers, that many agencies need to be compiled to know who is being served and how many.  But we go back to the beginning of this narrative and tell you that we help people.  Face to face and eye to eye.  Physical contact and heart-wrenching stories.  Families in need.  Abused, battered, unbathed, rugged, worn out, hurting, men, women, and children.  Dispairing dads who have lost their means of financial support.  Ordinary people.  People who want respect hope, love, and someone to give them life.  There are many food programs, financial aid programs, housing programs, and other assistance.  All of which are very respectable solutions to assist families.  But to most, people are just numbers.  We are those who care about people and we are here to Give Life!  That is our mission!